
As you have been reading these stories and praying, there has been a hidden figure in each story. Did you notice that person?

The hidden character on each page has been… you! Each time you prayed, you became part of someone’s story. As you prayed, you became part of the work that God is already doing in the lives of numerous Thai. Although you might only learn these stories in heaven, your work and involvement have been real.

Thailand is home to many people groups. Numerous animist minority peoples (hill tribes) live in the North. The Muslim Malay populate the South. However, the vast majority of people who live in Thailand are the Thai Buddhists. Out of Thailand’s total population of 71 million, about 93 percent, or 66 million, would fall under that broad category of “Thai Buddhist.”

As Thailand is a fully accessible holiday country, many Christians around the world assume that the Thai have been reached with the Good News of Jesus Christ. But this is a misconception!

Did you know that per head of population, Iran has more Christians than Thailand? China has about 8 times more, and the Democratic Republic of Congo has about 22 times more Christians (as a percentage of population)!

Today the Thai Buddhists are one of the most accessible, least reached, large people groups on this planet! As of 2023, only 0.75% of the population of Thailand know Jesus. And many of those Christians belong to the ethnic minorities in the North. Thus, among the Thai Buddhists, only 0.4% are Christians.

There have been turnings to Christ among the minority people groups in the North. And presently there is an encouraging movement of people coming to Christ in some provinces in the Central area. But the challenges remain tremendous.

As you have been praying for the Thai people through this prayer guide, please remember in your prayers to ask the Lord for more people to come and share Christ in Thailand!

Write for more information to: thailandprayerguide@gmail.com

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