May’s hands trembled as she picked up Eddie’s phone. Her mouth had gone dry, and her heart was pounding. But she had to know. She quickly opened his Facebook Messenger account. Her heart raced even faster as she clicked on the face of a young woman whom she didn’t recognize. Her stomach twisted as she read through the messages.

Please, please, don’t let this be true. Please don’t let this be happening to me.

But you knew it, said another voice in her head. You knew he couldn’t possibly be having so many business meetings and outings on the weekends.

May jumped as Eddie walked into the room. “What are you doing with my phone? Give it back!” he demanded.

“How dare you!” May screamed. “How dare you! You are married to me. Is this where all our money has been going? To this… this…”

Eddie’s face darkened. “You know it’s been over between you and me for a long time. You never have time for me anymore.”

“Time? Time? I’m taking care of Pearl and Penny all the time. You know we don’t have any relatives around to help us. I’m exhausted. You show so little interest in them.”

“Shut up and leave me alone, May. I can do what I want with my life.” Eddie spun on his heel and walked from the room.

May fell to the floor, sobbing. She had been so in love with Eddie.

They had married soon after meeting, in spite of her parents’ disapproval. She and Eddie had spent several months backpacking around Thailand’s neighboring countries, living on a shoestring budget. They had been so happy. How had it come to this?

For the next few months, May forced herself to care for the children, make the meals, clean the house, and smile at the neighbors when she went outside. Eddie didn’t move out, and he refused to stop meeting with the other woman.

May started going to church more regularly. She had gone off and on since she was a little girl, but she had never fully committed herself to becoming a disciple of Jesus Christ. One day, she told the pastor she wanted to be baptized. “Church isn’t going to magically change my life and make everything better,” May realized. “But I want to become a child of the One who made me, and who is never going to leave me, who is always faithful.”

Today, there is still sadness in May’s smile, but she recently told a friend: “I have  increasing peace in my life, and I see how God is taking care of me.  Every morning the Lord is helping to heal the bitter root that had taken over my heart.”

Pray for Thai families. It is very common for married men to have a mistress.

Pray for the Thai Church to know how to care for the wholistic well-being of those from broken homes.

Pray for Thai Christian men to live not for their own satisfaction, but for the joy of their wives and children.