Mrs. Brick was a strong Buddhist and a very determined woman. She often smiled the smile of pride: I am a winner! I am making more, more, and more merit. Surely I will escape the wheel of suffering which is life!

Mrs. Brick liked to dress nicely because she wanted to present herself as successful, an achiever. She always woke early enough to be beautifully dressed when she offered food to the monks. Her expectation of this daily merit-making was that she would receive good.
Mrs. Brick celebrated her 60th birthday with a big merit-making meal. She invited 12 monks because 60 is 5 cycles of 12. Very auspicious! The monks chanted and were fed. Then the whole neighborhood was fed. It was a grand occasion. Mrs. Brick was sure that by doing good (making merit), she would receive good.

Later that year, her husband went deaf, her daughter and three grandchildren came to live with her due to a divorce, and Mrs. Brick lost her job. She was in a very difficult spot. She wondered why all her merit-making was not bringing blessing.

A Christian neighbor came to visit her. She shared about the grace of God. She shared about Jesus being the Savior. She testified to God answering prayer and offered to pray for Mrs. Brick, an offer which Mrs. Brick refused.

But Mrs. Brick did accept the literature that her neighbor offered. It was a story about a man with two sons. One son took his father’s money and squandered it. When he was desperate, he returned to his father, hoping to just be accepted as a servant, but his father accepted him as a son. The older son did all the father wanted, but when his brother returned, he would not join the celebration with his father. Mrs. Brick felt more like the older son. How can the father accept back this wayward son? But then, she had accepted back her daughter after her failed marriage.

A few days later, Mrs. Brick had bills due and no money, and her grandson was sick with a fever. Mrs. Brick decided to pray: Lord Jesus, if you are real, you can do anything for me. Please heal my grandson. Please help me find a way to pay these bills.

Mrs. Brick didn’t think anything would happen. She went to check on her grandson, and he had no fever! He was so well that he was able to go to school.

At mid-morning there was a knock on the gate, and the familiar voice of a friend from long ago. This woman owed her money, and to Mrs. Brick’s surprise, was there to repay her. The Lord Jesus had answered her prayers. Mrs. Brick immediately went to find that Christian neighbor to learn more about this gracious God.

Many Thai people struggle to understand the concept of God’s grace. Pray for God to open their minds to understanding
grace. Pray for Christians to be able to explain grace in meaningful ways.

Pray for Christians to understand that God gives good, and that we ought to respond to his good grace with gratefulness and doing good. This is the opposite of what
they are taught in, “Do good to get good.”

Pray for Thai Christians to reach out to their neighbors with love and truth.

Pray that the message of hope would enlighten Thai hearts. May they come to know the freedom that Jesus’ sacrifice brings.

Pray for elderly Thai to turn to Christ and be fruitful.*

* The Thai elderly are very open to the gospel and responsive. Yet, they are often overlooked by Christians reaching out in Thailand. Data about conversions in Thailand actually indicates that elderly people are coming to Christ at a higher rate than young people. One of the reasons for this is that elderly people have more freedom to make their own choices than young people do.